Vabimo vas na predavanje dr.  Kristine Pucko, Univerza v Milanu, Italija:

The Complexity of Constant and Variable Colors

Kompleksnost stalnih in spremenljivih barv 

Predavanje bo v torek 6. novembra 2018 2018 ob 18.00 v predavalnici 2.9.

Prisrčno vabljeni!

Dr. Kristina Pucko je diplomirala iz filozofije in sociologije na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Magistrirala iz filozofije na CEU, Budimpešta, Madžarska in doktorirala iz filozofije na Univerzi v Milanu, Italija letos. V akademskem letu 2015/16 je bila gostujoča doktorska raziskovalka na Univerzi v Torontu, Kanada.

Osrednja področja raziskovanja dr. Kristine Pucko so: filozofija percepcije, filozofija duha in filozofija barv.

Abstract/izvleček predavanja

By simple observation, objects appear to be the same color regardless the changes in viewing conditions. Accordingly, there has been hope to understand the ontological status of color properties based on their steady appearance. The color constancy phenomenon has been typically used as a support for the realist view on color. Since color of an object appears to stay the same through various circumstances, this shows that color somehow resides in the object as an unchanging feature. In this paper, I challenge this line of thought by showing that color constancy is a much more complex phenomenon that has been traditionally assumed. I discuss the recent approach called discriminatory color constancy, which I take it to be a promising direction for the discussion. I conclude by proposing a complex discriminatory view, the perquisites of which are the incorporation of non-color features of the observed scene and the neutrality in regards to the ontological status of color.