Oddelek za filozofijo FF UM in DAF vabita na

Konferenco: Nove perspektive v evropski filozofiji religije

Conference: New Perspectives In European Philosophy of Religion 


Program konference

Conference Programme

Maribor, 28-29 November 2018

Prostor/Venue: Filozofska fakulteta/Faculty of Arts, Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija

Sreda/Wednesday 28 November

14:00–15:00 Prihod in registracija/Arrival and Conference Registration

15:00–15:15 Pozdrav/Welcome

15:15–16:45 Predavanja/Lectures

Yujin Nagasawa: ‘The Problem of Evil for Atheists’

Aku Visala: ‘Does the Study of Religion Require a Philosophical Foundation? –      The Case of Cognitive Science of Religion

16:45–17:15 Odmor/Coffee Break

17:15–18:45 Kratka predavanja/Short Talks Session 1

Asha Lancaster-Thomas: ‘Encountering Evil: The Evil-God Challenge from Religious Experience

Kirk Lougheed: ‘Religious Disagreement, Religious Experience, and the Evil God             Hypothesis’

Joshua Brown: ‘The Eutaxiological Argument and an Infinite Universe Created out            of Nothing’

18:45–19:30 Zaključek/Break (sprehod do mesta ali prevoz/walk to town or transport)

19:30–21:00 Skupna večerja/Conference Dinner (izbirno/optional)

Četrtek/Thursday 29 November


10:00–11:30 Predavanja/Lectures

Nuno Venturinha: ‘Are Faith and Epistemology Compatible?’

Hanne Appelqvist: ’Religious Faith and Beauty’

11:30–11:45  Odmor/Coffee Break

11:45–12:45  Kratka predavanja/Short Talks Session 2

Łukasz Kołodziejczyk: ‘What concept of the first cause of the universe follows the             Kalam Cosmological Argument?’

Carlo Cogliati: ‘The Metaphysics and the Logic of ex Nihilo and Absolute      Nothingness: Aquinas and Nishida on Creation’

12:45–14:30 Odmor za kosilo/Lunch Break


14:30–15:30 Kratka predavanja/Short Talks Session 3

Victor Ilievski: ‘The “Why” of Evil and How the Demiurge Can Alleviate Our Suffering’

Gorazd Andrejč: TBA

15:30–16:00 Odmor/Coffee Break

16:00–17:30  Predavanja/Lectures

Marko Uršič: ‘New Eschatologies in the Contemporary Virtual Reality’

Robin Le Poidevin: ‘The New Agnosticism?’

17:35–17:45 Zaključek/Conclusion

17:45–19:00 Večerni sprehod/Evening Walk (izbirno/optional)

19:00–21:00 Večerja/Dinner (izbirno/optional)

Konferenco soorganizirata Oddelek za filozofijo, Filozofske fakultete, Univerze v Mariboru in Društvo za analitično filozofijo in filozofijo znanosti Slovenije.

This conference is co-organized by Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, and the Society for Analytic Philosophy and the Philosophy of Science of Slovenia.